The true focus of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do is to instill its practitioners with strong character, morals, and discipline.
We begin each class with a formal opening ceremony that consists of a brief moment for self collection (Mokuso), followed by a bow of gratitude to our Shomen / Kamidana and to our Sensei.
We promptly move directly into Yobi Undo / Junbi Undo, which are our preparatory warm ups and conditioning. This helps limber up the body to practice martial arts safely, as well as helps invigorate our blood flow.
Next, we practice our Kihon Waza (basics), which will include various striking and blocking techniques, as well as some Kihon Idou (moving basics) in which we can work on our footwork, and overall mobility and coordination with striking and blocking.
From here we will work on the lesson plan for the day. This could be a focus on kata (forms), bunkai (applications), randori / sparring, yakisoku kumite (pre-arranged promise sparring drills), kakie (push hands), hojo undo (physical training), makiwara (striking post), conditioning, or more.
At the end of class, we have another moment to collect ourselves and decompress, in which we also recite our Dojo’s Dojo Kun. Afterwards, we bow in gratitude once more to our Shomen / Kamidana, Sensei, and to our dojo mates (otagai). Afterwards, we generally have a brief discussion about class and open up the floor to questions. We’ll often discuss history, concepts, theories, meditation, and more.
Junior Classes, like our other class groups, focus on developing basic movement theory of karate, but students will also gain a more thorough understanding of the technical side of Karate; Kihon, Kata, Bunkai, Kumite, and Hojo Undo. We combine intellectual and physical training so that our students learn to focus and develop a healthy sense of courage, morality, resolve and personal responsibility.
Adult Classes cover the three primary focuses of Goju-Ryu practice; Personal, Physical and Technical. Practice focuses on improving and balancing the mind, body and spirit. Our Adult practitioners find that (alongside joining a thriving community of like-minded karate enthusiasts) their everyday equanimity and health is improved.
Come and join us at the dojo today - Schedule a visit here!