Dojo Kun | Words We Live By



The Dojo Kun is a set of guideline statements repeated at the end of each training session. These statements are intended to guide both our training and our everyday lives. Each statement is preceded by the Japanese number one, “Hitotsu.” This is to remind us that each statement is of equal importance. The Dojo Kun is always recited, with meaning, respect and thoughtful reflection.

Seishinkan Karate On Main's Dojo Kun for Goju Ryu

Respect Yourself and Each Other

Train Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Practice Every Day

Strive to Master Goju-Ryu

Live A Clean and Useful Life

Always Do Your Best

Never Give Up

Dojo Kun Japanese Pronunciation Guide

  • 礼儀を重んずる事 | Reigi o omonzuru koto

  • 心身を練磨する事 | Shinshin o renma suru koto

  • 日々鍛錬する事 | Hibi tanren suru koto

  • 剛柔流空手の真髄を極める事 | Goju Ryu Karate no shinzui o kiwameru koto

  • 潔白で有意義な生活を送る事 | Keppaku de yuigi na seikatsu o okuru koto

  • 常に全力を尽くす事 | Tsune ni zenryoku o tsukusu koto

  • 不撓不屈の精神を養う事 | Futo fukutsu no seishin o yashinau koto

Come and join us at the dojo today - Schedule a visit here!