TOGKF Website, home of the Higaonna Sensei’s personal dojo in Naha, Okinawa.
Wikipedia page for Sensei Higaonna.
Dragon Times Interview with Sensei Higaonna from Issue #10.
A catalog of Goju Ryu Karate DVDs produced by Higaonna Sensei.
Higaonna Sensei (at age 45) is featured as the authority on traditional karate and Goju-ryu in part five of the BBC’s 1983 documentary Way of the Warrior. Way of the Warrior: Karate, The Way of the Empty Hand can be seen here.
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 1 - Stretching and Warmups
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 2 - Chi Ishi & Nigiri Game
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 3 - Suri Ashi + Ashi / Tai Sabaki
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 4 - Punching & Blocking
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 5 - Kote Kitai + Conditioning
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 6 - Kakete & Kakie
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 7 - Shisochin Instruction
Higaonna Sensei’s Practice Part 8 - Shisochin Continued + Closing
Kakete and Kakie Demonstration
Seminar Part 1 - Hojo Undo
Seminar Part 2 - Concepts and Conditioning
Seminar Part 3 - Kakie and Applications
Seminar Part 4 - Kakie Continued + Sanchin Shime
Separate Seminar on Uke Waza (blocking) and Tai Sabaki (Body Evasion)
Conditioning and Kata Practice at Higaonna Dojo
History, Awamori, and a day in the life of Higaonna Sensei
Hand conditioning and application